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Twisted Asphalt (Asphalt Outlaw Series Book 1) Page 7

  It could have been much worse.

  After giving Stone the bogus story about what had happened to her, he took the list of goods needed and headed out to his meeting. He knew he wasn’t being followed, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

  He made his way down South Broadway to Betteravia, then veered onto Mahoney Road. Looping around to Black Road, he stopped at a warehouse on Cabrillo Highway. Grabbing his baseball cap, he yanked back his hair and twisted it up, tucking it under the cap. Pulling it low over his eyes, he pushed open the door, the creak sounding like a damn explosion in the silence.

  Dressed in jeans, boots and a plain white tee, he looked like a normal farmer or ranch hand checking his property. Which was exactly what he was after, considering he didn’t want to be there. Blowing out a breath, he shoved his hands into his pockets, all the while thinking Dead Man Walking!

  Reaching the metal door, he didn’t bother knocking. He jerked it open and let it slam closed behind him. Peeling off the sunglasses, he tucked the arm into the neck of the tee, allowing them to dangle freely while he maneuvered through the maze of boxes to the center of the warehouse.

  “Turner, Captain.” He nodded to his superior, still not happy with Turner almost blowing the case wide open the other day when he called Mace while he was with Amy.

  “Agent Dean.” The Captain greeted him in kind, smoothing down his tie.

  “You’re late, Dean. We don’t have time to be waiting around for whenever you decide to find the time to show up.” Agent Turner snarled at Mace. “This isn’t exactly the Hilton, you know.”

  Mace, also known as, Agent Sam Dean, laughed at the man he slowly grew to despise. Fuck that noise. He already hated the smug piece of shit. “Shut your fucking dick eater, Turner.” He thrust a finger toward Turner, his blood pressure already through the roof. “Try being in my boots right now. It’s not exactly a joy ride. Can you not grasp how hard it is to get away when you’re a prospect?”

  Turner was completely oblivious to how the club world worked. Being low man on the totem pole wasn’t an easy task. You were the club’s bitch boy until they deemed you worthy to rock the full set of patches. When they said jump, you better be jumping and asking how fucking high.

  “They have me on protection detail, guarding Stone’s daughter. I don’t need my cover blown because someone pissed in your Cheerios this morning.” Mace glared at Turner, then turned his attention to his superior.

  Captain Jones held up a hand toward Turner, shaking his head in warning, while speaking to Mace. “What have you dug up?”

  “Amy was attacked by their rival club. They’re afraid they’re going to try something when we go on a run in a couple of weeks. We’re going to be moving it in a semi, Stone hasn’t told me what’s in it yet, but he’s said it’s enough for everyone to retire on.”

  “Where’s the drop?”

  Mace shrugged with a head shake. “In Lompoc. As soon as I know, I’ll send you the coordinates on the burner. Don’t fucking call me on my club phone again, Turner. You almost blew my fucking cover the other day.”

  “Go bitch at someone else, Dean. You weren’t answering your other phone.” Turner retorted.

  “Because I couldn’t, you fucking asshole!” Mace pointed at Turner as he snapped at his captain. “He’s going to fucking get my ass killed by the stunts he’s pulling. It’s bullshit! What if I had got questioned or they hit redial on your fucking number? I can’t afford to throw away all the work I’ve put into this because you can’t handle waiting.”

  “Maybe I’m getting tired of standing around with my dick in my hand while you’re out playing patty-cake.” Turner’s tone was condescending as his expression shot daggers at Mace.

  “And what the hell is that supposed to mean?” Mace closed the distance between himself and Turner, standing nose to nose with the prick. He dropped his voice to the point it was barely above a whisper. “If you’ve got something to say, just say it. Or do you even have the balls?”

  “Are you sure you’re pumping the right people for information?”

  Mace never flinched. Never blinked. Never gave a tell that would let Turner see what he was thinking. Right corner of his lips lifted, half scoff heard. “Why don’t you call your Mom and find out?”

  Turner roared to life, the captain grabbing Turner’s arm when he raised it to strike Mace, who never moved from the spot he had taken in front of the now pissed off Turner.

  “Go to the car, Turner.” Captain Jones ordered.

  Turner failed to move, visibly shaking with anger.

  “I said go to the damn car, now!”

  Turner spun, walking stiffly to the door, never looking back.

  The captain looked at Mace with a rather displeased look. “Did you have to?”

  “Fuck yes, I did. I prefer to come out alive after this is over and done with. He could have blown over two years of hard work out the window, not including the time I’ve spent prospecting, with one call.”

  Captain Jones nodded, rubbing the top of his bald head. “I understand, Sam, but you’re not Robocop. You need to keep me a bit more informed than you have been. Don’t be doing this shit on your own, if you really want to come out alive.”

  “I will.” He clapped him on the arm. “But don’t forget I’m the club’s personal bitch right now and constantly under a magnifying glass. If I don’t answer, tell that douchebag out there not to get his panties in a bunch.”

  Jones nodded with a low chuckle. “I doubt that will ever happen, but you do what you got to do. I’ll take care of him.”

  * * * *

  Mace prayed Amy knew what she was doing. He didn’t let just anyone cut his hair. He’d been growing it out for two years and finally had it past that in-between stage everyone hated. He asked her to trim it, to which she delightfully agreed. She had him shirtless with a towel draped over his shoulders, hair wet and in his face. Mace tried not to shift nervously while she combed through his hair. He usually loved it when people played with his hair, but he was going to be losing some of it, and that took precedence. His heart dropped to his stomach when she grabbed the scissors.

  He really had to learn to trust.

  Mace tilted his head slightly as she moved around him. He watched her like a hawk. Her movement was self-assured, full of confidence. Her head tilted high enough to assert authority, but not be too pushy. Eyes lowered to her shoulders, but paused at her throat. A single brow quirked at the sight of a new necklace.

  “That is a beautiful necklace, Amy.” It didn’t look new, but it was in pristine condition.

  Her hand flew to her throat, protectively caressing the cameo. “It was my mothers.” Amy paused, then ran a comb through his bangs. “Dad gave it to me earlier today. When I was younger, I used to play dress up with Maggie and I used to beg my Mom to let me wear it. She never agreed to it.”

  He couldn’t look at her, afraid she might cut out his eyeball if he moved, but he heard the pain in her voice. “But?” There had to be a brighter side to the story.

  “But,” she sighed with a snip of hair. “When I dressed up for my prom, she surprised me and let me wear it. She told me since I was really dressing up I couldn’t deserve it more than in that moment. It made me feel like I was a princess.”

  “You kind of are a real life princess, Amy. You do deserve it.” He felt the comb’s sting when she smacked his head with it. “What was that for?”

  “Because. I’m far from a princess.”

  Comb. Snip.

  “What about your family?” Amy asked quietly.

  He could tell by her tone she was concentrating on his hair. “What about them?”

  “Exactly. Tell me something. I don’t know anything about you.”

  Mace wasn’t sure he wanted her to, either. He took in a deep breath and silently warred about what he wanted to tell her. “Well, there’s not much to tell. My father was a rancher and used me as a punching bag whenever shit didn’t go his way. My mom escaped thr
ough self-medicating, and I raised my brother the best I could. When the old man went after my mother, I stepped in. I was used to getting my ass beat, what was one more beating?” He felt her freeze as her breath slowed. “I finally fought back. When my old man got his ass kicked, I got kicked out.”

  Amy’s knee knocked his legs apart, positioning herself between them. She used the comb to split his bangs apart, the tips of her fingers running tenderly over his brow line, as if she were trying to rub out the creases. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t.” He shook his head, his hand coyly toying with the edge of her tank top, never lifting his gaze to meet hers. Everything he told her was true. There was no lie there, except for the one he told himself. That she could actually care. “Don’t be sorry. I wouldn’t be who I am if I hadn’t lived that life and was taught shit at an early age.”

  He felt a finger under his chin, forcing him to look at her. Her voice was husky when she questioned him. “What do you want out of life?”

  That wasn’t exactly a question he saw coming. Without a thought, he answered her when his other hand cupped her hip and drew her closer. “Real love.”

  She frowned slightly, her green-flecked, brown eyes searching his. “Are you screwing with me?”

  The one thing he wasn’t doing, was messing with her. He was about to open an emotional flood gate that hadn’t been tampered with in years. “No, that’s what I want. Something so fucking real—that you'd fight to the death for it. I want a love so driven into my bones I wouldn't know where she ends and I begin. A love I can't leave because there's nowhere for me to go because every breath I take is for her.”

  His words must have struck a chord inside her. Amy’s whiskey colored eyes welled up with unshed tears, her lower lip giving the slightest hint of a quiver. Last thing he wanted to do was make her cry. She had asked something, and he wanted to give her the most honest answer he could; she deserved it.

  Her hands cupped his face, the tenderness of her actions making him near breathless. Amy was slow to bend at the waist, her other hand wrapping his hair with exquisite torture, a gentle tug to bring his head tilting back, his eyes locked with hers.

  Her lips hovered above his own, a tear delicately balanced on her plump lower lip, her eyes darted to his own, hidden questions beckoning for answers he couldn’t give her. Her mouth touching his was tentative at first, a gentle brush, sweet and shy; but when her lips finally met his, a fire ignited and had no want, need or desire to be put out. It was the fire of danger mixed with not knowing what was to come. Stone would wear his balls as a necklace if he knew Mace touched his daughter like this, and for once in his life, Mace didn’t give two fucks about anything or anyone else. It was Amy, or nothing.

  Once her succulent lips came to rest on his, they hesitantly parted for him. Mace needed no encouragement. His fingers dug into her hips, his nails sounding as if they were tearing her jeans while his tongue danced across her plump bottom lip. When she responded with an impish touch of her tongue against his, Mace nearly lost control.

  He pulled her onto his lap, cradling her form against him, their tongues pressing against each other in a war of sheer passion. She tasted like a mixture of peppermint and tears, her short breaths urging him to take everything he wanted from her.

  He had to stop while he could, but God, he didn’t want to.

  Giving her bottom lip an affectionate nibble, he reluctantly pulled away. One thought hit him. She was gorgeous. She glowed. Her hair was mussed, heavy lidded whiskey eyes, lips swollen from his abuse and her breath was quick with excitement.

  “I hope you don’t use that line on all the girls.” A wicked uplift of her lips came with her gentle teasing.

  He chuckled with a shake of his head. “I’ve never told anyone that before. I’ll say it again if you’ll kiss me again.”

  She smacked his chest with a blush tinting her face. “Nice try. Now sit still.” Amy moved around him to finish the cut she had started over an hour ago.


  Amy totally chastised herself for acting like she had never kissed a man before. She acted like a child, shy and coy with their first kiss; but she had reason to. She only had one other boyfriend, and their fumbling kisses hadn’t exactly made her experienced. No, she wasn’t a virgin, but by the way she had acted, you’d never know otherwise.

  Mace was something more. He was special and she was falling fast.

  Tongue swept over her still tingling lips, breath catching when she saw Mace’s gaze on them, looking fierce with hunger. Maybe she needed to sate that hunger.

  “I’ve got to go before Stone comes in and kicks my ass for making you look like you do right now.”

  Amy felt her cheeks heat up as she looked away, pushing off the counter. “And just how do I look?” She felt his stare on her as she moved toward the door.

  “Like you were taken proper advantage of and you liked it.”

  “Maybe I did like it.” Turning to face him, she pressed her back against the door, lifting her hand to beckon him to her.

  He stalked toward her like a predator, his silver eyes darkening as he neared her. When he spoke, it was almost a low growl. “I think you liked it more than you’re letting on.”

  Amy grabbed his t-shirt, roughly bringing him to her. His arms shot out to stop himself from falling, hands hitting the door on either side of her head. A thrilling shiver raced down her spine.

  She looked at him, knowing she was going to cross a line her father had laid down, taking them to a whole new level. “Guess I’ll just have to prove you right.”

  Lifting up from the door, she pressed the full length of her body against him, her arms winding around his neck as her head tilted back. Her nose brushed the underside of his jaw, his aftershave musky and very much fitting the raw power Mace exuded. Hearing his breath hitch, her lips twitched into a smirk. She liked having that sort of power over him.

  Teeth bit at his jaw in playful spite, followed by a quick nip to his lower lip. Amy jerked her head back when Mace tried to lean in and complete the kiss, but she was the one in control and she planned on taking full advantage of it. “Tsk tsk.”

  His throaty laughter was enough for her to know she had won this round and he was enjoying it just as much as she was. Pulling him as close to her as their bodies would allow, Amy let out a soft breath against his parted lips, “Is this what you want?”

  “Uh huh,” Mace breathed out.

  “Then don’t let me stop you from getting what you want.” Amy couldn’t hide the desire in her voice as her head tilted back to look into his eyes.

  When Mace’s head lowered to allow his lips to meet her, she gave him a peck on the corner of his mouth, then was quick as shit to dart under his arm and escape his embrace in a fit of laughter, which only got worse when he nearly face planted into the solid wood door.

  Amy would have allowed him to chase her through the house, but she heard the front door open and the familiar sound of her father’s key’s hitting the foyer table. Mace frozen mid stride, his eyes wide when he looked toward the opening of the kitchen.

  “Ames? You here?” Stone called out, setting the two in the kitchen in motion.

  Mace swept up Amy, his arm circling her waist, bringing her roughly against his body. His lips were harsh, a bruising kiss given. Before she could utter a single word, or respond in kind, Mace was out the back door in complete silence.

  Clearing her throat, she turned, coming face to face with Stone. Amy yelped and jumped back, startled that he got to the kitchen as fast as he did. Plus, she wasn’t exactly over the trauma of being attacked just a day prior. “Dad!”

  Brows shot up as he looked around the kitchen then back to Amy. “Did I interrupt something?”

  She couldn’t help it. A blush crept up her cheeks as she remembered the kiss that she and Mace shared. Lips twitched, threatening a smile. “No, why would you think that?” Scooting the chair Mace had been sitting on back to its proper place at the table, she
picked up the broom, sweeping up the small piles of hair on the floor. “How was your day?”

  “Obviously not as good as yours by the looks of it.” Stone made his way toward the fridge. Grabbing a beer, he turned to face Amy. “What is going on between the two of you?”

  “Huh? I don’t know what—“

  “Bullshit, Amethyst James.” Stone barked at his daughter. “I wasn’t born yesterday. Mace was here,” he motioned to the hair on the floor. “And you can’t quit blushing.”

  Amy winced, eyes dropping to her feet. “Dad…”

  “Don’t ‘dad’ me young lady. He’s not who he seems to be, Amy. They never are.”

  Amy’s jaw dropped when she stared at her dad in total disbelief. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Excuse you?”

  Great, now she was going to be scolded for swearing. This was an awesome ending to a great day. Not.

  “There are two sides to every man, Amy. I know Mace is hiding something, I’m just not sure what, yet.”

  “That’s not fair, Dad. You don’t want me to be happy. You do this to every guy I’ve shown interest in!” She couldn’t help but yell. The last guy she had been involved with was a club member, and he ended up disappearing one day. She never heard from him again. Phone disconnected, apartment cleaned out like he never existed.

  “You’re right.” Stone snapped back at her, his face growing red with anger. “I don’t want you with another club member again, let alone a fucking prospect! I want a better life for you.”

  “Really?” She stared at him; unable to believe what had just came out of his mouth. “Are you serious? You really went there?” Shaking her head in disbelief, Amy threw up her hand. “That is rich coming from you. Are you trying to tell me that you weren’t good enough for Mom? That the way you two loved each other was a sham?”