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Twisted Asphalt (Asphalt Outlaw Series Book 1) Read online

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  Maggie nodded, knocking her jean clad hip into Antonia’s black legging-covered one. “I figured it out. It was hard to tell the difference between the moss and unicorn root.”

  Arms crossed her arms over her chest, single manicured brow lifted as she eyed the two of them. “Uh huh. What are you two up to?”

  Her phone vibrated in her pocket. Amy pulled it out and peeked at it. It was the text Antonia had sent. Lifting up her phone, she smiled. “Just got it.”

  Antonia’s decorated eyes widened, ‘I sent it just before you pulled in. Network must be slow.”

  Amy had a snarky retort for Antonio, but the bell over the door jingled, saving Antonia from a proper ass chewing. Turning around, she called out, “Sorry, we’re…”

  Oh. My. God.

  Why did Mace have to be so damn good looking? He stood in the doorway like he owned it. Boots, tight jeans, tight black sleeveless tee with his cut over it, allowing the world to see just how muscular he was. Strawberry blond hair was slicked back, a folded handkerchief wrapped around his forehead and tied off in the back, sunglasses hiding his chrome eyes.

  “It just got hot in here.” Antonia whistled and acted like he was about to faint right in front of everyone.

  “No shit,” Maggie breathed, slumping into Antonia.

  Amy glared at her two friends over her shoulder, then looked back at Mace.

  He sported a lopsided, almost bashful grin as he peeled of his sunglasses.

  He looked like shit. His eyes were bloodshot and had bags under them. Strolling toward the three, his five o’clock shadow became more visible, and his voice spoke volumes on being tired. “Please tell me y’all have coffee?”

  “Oh!” Antonia snapped his fingers, his face scrunching up like he was trying to remember something. Popping his lips, he rolled his eyes. “What is that place you like to go to?”

  Maggie piped in, “The 801 in the Inn.”

  Amy stared slack jawed at the two and their antics. She would get even with them for this. “That’s across town. We can make him a cup here.”

  Antonia grabbed Amy by the shoulders and gave her a gentle push toward Mace. “You need to take this poor man to the coffee shop and let him get some food and caffeine in his system. He looks like death warmed him over and enjoyed it. Lord knows I would. Mmhmm.”

  “He can find it without me. It’s not like he hasn’t lived here for a while.”

  “How’s this? We can go for a ride on my bike. I need food and coffee and The Girls is sounding pretty damn good right now.” He rubbed his eyes before he looked over to Amy.

  Talk about being put on the spot. Not only was Mace staring at her, but so were Maggie and Antonia. “Fine! I’ll go, as long as you two get off my back. Geez.”

  She tried not to grin at them for pushing her. It had been a while since she’d been on the back of a Harley. She used to ride with Stone all the time, when her Mom wasn’t riding. It relaxed her and she missed it. Was she going to let them know that? Hell no.

  “I’ll get my helmet.” One thing that she always had, was a helmet in her jeep. One never knew when someone might need it.

  While she ran to the Jeep, Mace followed, going over to his Street Glide. She made her way over, getting a better look at the bike and letting out a low wolf whistle. His bike was beyond beautiful. It was flat black with a glossy deep maroon design that fanned out over the fairing, gas tank. Fenders and saddle bags were outlined in a thick white pin striping. Inside the maroon paint job were lighter colored realistic flames, some ghost-like, some darker. All of the chrome had been blacked out, and it was all Mace.

  “She is beautiful, Mace.” Amy loved bikes as much as she loved her jeeps, and she knew how to appreciate the beauty in them. When he started it up, she got instant lady-wood. It was that deep sexy rumble that only a Harley with true duel exhaust had, and when Mace racked the pipes, she all but jumped his bones right there. There was nothing like the sound of a Harley. Period.

  They didn’t talk on the way to the diner. Amy was too busy enjoying herself. After her near wet dream about Mace, she saw him in a new light. Maybe Maggie and Romeo were right. She needed to get laid. Too bad she wasn’t that kind of girl. Her mother brought her up better than that.

  Once they pulled in, Amy confirmed he rode just as good as her family. Slipping off the back, she unhooked her chin strap as he shut the bike off. Setting her helmet on the back portion of the seat, she waited for him to put up his gear.

  He rounded the bike while stripping off his gloves. Tucking them in his back pocket, he placed his hand on her lower back, guiding her into the diner. Amy knew it was a possessive move on his part, but it was also protective. If anything happened to her in the presence of a prospect, he was a dead man.

  Sliding into a booth, she sat opposite him, noting how weary he looked. He must have been worn out from shadowing her. That actually made her feel bad.

  The waitress came rather quick, Mace ordered coffee for them both, then fixed her with a look. “Know what you want to eat?”

  “Duh. Fries with gravy please.” Her weakness.

  He chuckled and looked at the waitress, “The same.”

  Brows shot up in surprise at his order. “Carbs? Are you feeling all right?” She leaned over the table and laid her hand on the bandana covering his forehead. “Are you running a fever?”

  He laughed, playfully swatting her hand away. “Yeah, yeah. I see you got jokes.”

  She giggled and shook her head, leaning back in her seat when the waitress brought their coffee. “Why are you in the club? Everyone has day jobs, but I’ve never seen you do a thing. What’s up with that?”

  Her question must have taken Mace off guard since he all but choked on his coffee. Wiping his mouth, he gazed at her for a moment before he answered. “I was in the Corps, second force recon. I specialized in weapons, sharp shooting and hand to hand combat. It’s all I know besides ranching. The club gives me a sense of family since mine are dead. I mean, Aunt Cindy is great, so is Colin, when I get to see him, but nothing replaces your family.” He reached for the sugar and scooted it toward her. “I think you’ll need some of that. It’s so stout you’ll grow hair on your chest.”

  “Anyway,” he shifted in his seat and took a careful sip of the steaming black liquid. Making a face, he shivered and sighed in almost what seemed to be delight. “I played the stock exchange and got lucky. Not only am I a Younger, but I’m a legally rich Younger.”

  She took his advice and sugared her coffee, added four creamers to it. She knew the restaurant; they catered to bikers, truckers and cops. Their coffee was mud. “Where did you grow up? You have a slow drawl, so I know you must be from the South.”

  He scratched his whiskers and chuckled. “You’re right. I grew up in Harlingen, Texas on a ranch. Pretty good sized spread. I sold it a couple of years back when I realized I was never going to make in the PBR. I figure I’ll breed horses one day.”

  “That’s what I want to do. I want a horse ranch of my own and to breed Paints and Arabians.” Amy smiled; all the more intrigued by the fact he was so much like her. She never thought he’d have a side she might be attracted to.

  “What about you? Why did you study massage therapy? You have the store.”

  Their food arrived, giving them a moment of silence when they dug in. It also gave her a chance to think about why she really went off to Arizona to study. “I fix people.” Amy pushed a fry around with her fork, amazed she was even admitting this to anyone. “It’s a horrible habit of mine that has got me into more trouble than it’s worth. If someone is hurt, I try and make them better. I specialized in Reiki, which heals people mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I ran to get away from Romeo and my dad.”

  “I can see why. They can be overbearing.”

  “Oh, you have no idea.” She laughed while nodding. “They can be so bad at times.”

  Mace was about to say something when his phone rang. He looked at the screen, then muttered, answe
ring it. “Yo.” Paused. “Not right now.” He listened. “Fine, whatever.” Then he hung up. “Sorry about that. So, where were we?”

  “I was about to tell you about the amazing party I’m throwing for everyone in the club.”


  Showers were wonderful. They tended to wash not only the days’ dirt and grime away, but all of the emotional baggage that came with it. Today was no exception.

  The stereo blared “3 Libras” by A Perfect Circle, through the bathroom Amy loved. It was all hers. Several shades of purple decorated the bathroom, along with seashells and other various ocean type items. Her shower was epic, structured like an atrium, almost its own building. The white marble walls surrounding the glass were veined with purple and silver, while the floor and ceiling were tiled with ivy leaves. Draped along the all-glass front and sides were ivy laced fuchsias.

  Inside, a Jacuzzi tub sat against the wall. Toward the middle of the stall was the actual shower, surrounded by exquisite floral bushes with the shower head coming out of the ceiling. She had a difficult day working the horses and wanted to wash every inch of it away, allowing her to daydream about the man that was slowly capturing her heart.

  After their meal, they went for a long ride on Highway 166 through New Cuyama and Nipomo back into Santa Maria, then to her store so she could pick up the jeep. They laughed. They talked. They listened to the sound of the Harley against the mountains. It was one of the best days she had experienced in quite some time.

  No one questioned her when she got home last night, which she was thankful for, but this morning, while she worked the horses with Stone, she thought he was battling with asking her where she had been. She wouldn’t give anyone the satisfaction of knowing. It would be her little secret.

  She turned the focus to the party, telling her father about the supplies she would need and the ideas she had for it. Stone called Mace, telling him to swing by and pick him up on the way to get all the things Amy needed. Amy wasn’t going to complain. She liked her time alone. Well, scratch that; moment of happiness. The moment Stone got off the phone with Mace, he called one of the guys to come watch over her.


  She wasn’t waiting for one of the brothers to show up; Amy would go about her normal routine. She had a roast in the oven; potatoes were peeled and ready to go on the stove once she was done indulging in her little guilty pleasure.

  The music switched to a sultry Paula Cole and her sexy rendition of “Feelin’ Love;” mixed with the heat of the water and her daydreams, made Amy’s body throb with a dull ache. Her soap slick hands slid along her ribs, breath catching when she imagined Mace finally kissing her. Nails grazed her belly, muscles jumping at the unaccustomed touch.

  Amy had to stop. She was going to drive herself crazy at this rate, and be forced to take matters into her own hands. Turning off the water, she wrung out her hair, stepped out of the shower and froze. Turning her head slightly, she let out a cry of surprise.

  Demon’s brows shot up, though he remained looking smug leaning against the doorjamb. She distinctly remembered closing it. She should have locked it. His arms were folded over his chest, curly black hair lay around his face all cherub-like, coal black eyes stared harsh and cold.

  “My, my. Little Amethyst James is all grown up.”

  Amy wanted to puke at the lewd way his eyes dragged over her, making her feel filthy and used, and need to shower again. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Marching over to the door, with her head held high, she gave him a shove, then slammed and locked the door in his face.

  His bark of laughter echoed through the thick oak door, causing her to violently shiver. Her dad really needed to get a clue and not send Demon to do shit jobs like babysitting her. It was sheer torture. She tugged on her jean shorts, threw on a sport bra and one of Romeo’s old, oversized t-shirts.

  She made her way downstairs to the kitchen to finish dinner. Getting the potatoes started, she pulled out the carrots, along with lettuce and tomatoes to make a salad. She didn’t care if she was interrupting his precious TV time by slamming things around. He invaded her home and her privacy. He was going to pay for it.

  “Need help?”

  “No, I don’t. Leave me alone.”

  Demon propped himself up on the counter by her. “Are you sure? I can chop up a pretty nice carrot.”

  Amy looked up at him, her glare plain as day. “Really? I figured that was coke you enjoyed chopping up.”

  Demon’s head jerked back, holding up his hands in defense. “Wow. Why you being a bitch, Ames? I didn’t ask to be your babysitter. I got told.”

  “Maybe because you were spying on me in the bathroom? Have you ever heard of the word privacy? Or is it even in your limited vocabulary?”

  “I’m not going to apologize for admiring your body. Get over it or don’t.”

  “You are such a pig.” Amy hissed, going back to chopping the carrots she imagined were his head.

  “And?” Demon laughed as he reached for her hand to still it. “You’re stacked. You’ve got it in all the right places. I get hard just thinking about the things I could do to you.”

  Amy jerked her hand back and slammed the knife to the cutting board. She turned to face him, wanting to gouge his eyes out. “Hope you enjoy fucking your hog’s tailpipe then because that is the closest you’ll ever get to me.”

  Demon burst out laughing, shaking his finger at her. He was laughing so hard, he had tears sliding down his face. “That was a good one, babe. Seriously. I haven’t heard that one before.”

  He had to be high. That was the only explanation for the outburst. It wasn’t that damn funny. Okay, maybe it was. Amy half laughed with a shake of her head. “Do you want something to drink?”

  She may as well be nice. He was there, and he wasn’t going anywhere until someone came home or relieved him. Grabbing the bottle of beer he politely asked for, she returned to her carrot chopping.

  “So, what do you think about the new prospect?”

  She paused, glancing at him. He seemed genuinely interested in her opinion. Too bad he wasn’t going to get it. “Don’t bring me into club business, Demon. You know better.”

  Demon took a drink from the bottle, then set it aside, crossing his arms over his chest once more with a slight shrug. “Can’t blame me for asking, Ames. You two seem to be getting pretty chummy lately.”

  And this was why she didn’t date club. This shit would always happen. Drama. They weren’t in high school. “So, what’s going on with you and Maggie? Why are you always such an asshole to her?” Tit for tat. She wasn’t going to allow him into her personal life, not when it concerned someone she was starting to care about.

  “My property doesn’t need to be getting all close and shit to a fucking prospect,” Demon all but spit out prospect as if it was the most foul word he had ever used. “That’s bad for business.”

  Something inside Amy snapped. She felt a levy give way and emotion flooded her. She was a strong and independent woman. Her mother made sure of that. One thing she could never put up with, was an abusive man. She wasn’t afraid of confrontation or putting a man in his place.

  She moved before she realized it, standing toe to toe with Demon. She stared into the vicious gaze of the cold blooded guy before her. Her hands were clenched into fists, her body shook with the bottled up anger she had kept inside for years. When she was able to speak, her voice was low and threatening. “I am no one’s property. I’ve never worn that tag, and it will be a cold day in Hell when I wear it for you.”

  “It’s looking like Hell is getting sub temps, babe.” He pushed off of the counter and took ahold of Amy in a vice-like grip, causing her to cry out.

  Demon grabbed her hair, yanking it back, forcing her to yelp. She felt his arousal against her hip, making bile rise in the back of her throat. She could do nothing when his lips clamped over hers and suffocated her.

  He forced his tongue into her mouth when Amy tried to gasp for air, causing
her to gag. She fought like a hellcat, her fists beating against his chest, but he spun her around and slammed her lower back into the edge of the counter. Her nerve endings screamed as her knees nearly buckled at the searing pain that jarred her. His bottle shattered to the floor as she frantically grabbed for a foothold before she collapsed.

  It was enough to get him to loosen his grasp on her, but he still thrust his fat pink muscle between her lips, slobbering in and all over her mouth. Garbled moans of protest were taken as a delightful sound .She hit harder when his hand grabbed her breast and gave it a harsh squeeze.

  “Let go of me!” Amy managed to half yell, half growl at him. She smacked his chest, writhing against him, but it seemed to further enflame his desire for her.

  His mouth crushed hers again, trying to force his tongue into her mouth once more. Fear gripped her very soul as all she could imagine was him having his way with her. She couldn’t let that happen. She didn’t belong to him, he was a snake; vile and cold. She could only think of one thing to do.

  She bit down on his tongue.

  It earned her a backhand that snapped her head to the side. With a sharp intake of breath, Amy wasn’t sure if she tasted her blood or his from when she bit him. She reached up to gingerly touch her face, already swollen and hot to the touch.

  Amy lifted up defiantly, squaring her shoulders, looking Demon dead in the eyes. “Is that all you got? You fucking kiss like a twelve year old, you piece of shit.” Amy did the unthinkable and spit in his face.

  Demon let out a roar and lunged for her.

  Amy leapt out of the way, but didn’t make it far enough. He got ahold of her t-shirt and yanked it. The sound of fabric ripping was like an explosion in the kitchen, exposing her fully to him.

  As Demon tossed the now ripped shirt aside, Amy grabbed for the knife she had been using earlier on the carrots. Blindly swinging through her tears, she prayed she sliced him wide open. The tip of the blade sliced into his cheek, empowering her. Seeing his blood was the kick in the ass she needed to wake her adrenaline up. Without so much as a thought, she brought her leg up and made contact at the very juncture between his legs.