Scarred Asphalt Read online
Page 24
Amy was getting more pissed by the day, reliving the shadow experience with Mace all over again. Everywhere she went, he was right there with her, even at the store with Antonia.
Apollo wanted to protect Thorne, but he knew she could take care of herself, and while at work, she was side by side with Saber. At least he didn’t have to worry too much. He highly doubted that the TG would attack an ambulance again.
At the last church meeting, they discussed possible retaliation measures from the TG and what to expect.
“I’m shocked they haven’t tried anything yet. Muerte isn’t going to take Thorne giving his daughter a Glasgow Smile lying down. He’s going to retaliate.” Romeo scratched at his chin with a frown.
Apollo sighed, rolling his thumbs back and forth over and under one another as he leaned back in his chair. “I’m worried he’ll strike with a daughter for a daughter.”
Saber moved forward, his arms set to the table, fingers drumming against the wood. “It could be child for child, though. That leaves Amy, Dally, and Rebel vulnerable.”
Mace grunted and shook his head. “Do you really think he’d attack a pregnant woman?”
“I wouldn’t put anything past a pissed-off father.” Wraith looked at Mace from under his dark brows. “If someone did that to your child, I’m sure you’d want someone’s head on a platter.”
Apollo looked at the behemoth of a male. Sure, most of the guys were big, but Wraith was the largest of them all. He was six foot seven and two hundred and twenty-seven pounds. His pinky ring alone was a size thirteen. He had played pro-ball for the NFL, but was taken out during a major game when he was hit too hard, his knee going one way, Wraith the other.
Next to Wolf, Wraith was not someone you wanted to fuck with or meet in a dark alleyway. The man didn’t feel pain, and he got a bit too much enjoyment out of kicking someone’s ass.
“I’ve known the family for a while, Muerte does have some morals. Granted, not a lot, but a few. And I don’t think going after a pregnant woman is something he’d do.” Apollo frowned as he glanced around the table.
“I’m not going to let my guard down. We need to assume the worst and protect our family like World War Three is about to start,” Romeo rebutted with a glance to every member there. “I don’t think that they’ll do anything at the benefit, but I could be wrong. I still want extra security there. This is a family event; a lot of outside civilians will be there. We cannot take any risks. Stone wanted us legit; we’ve become legit behind the scenes. The public sees us as…” Romeo paused, rubbing the back of his bald head. “They see us almost as real-life Robin Hoods. Let’s try and keep it that way.”
That had been an understatement. They had expected most of the community to come out for the event, but it turned into so much more than that. It was a good thing they held it at Waller Park. Over four hundred bikes showed up for the poker run, hundreds of people mingled around the BBQ pits, children played at the various playgrounds, and a live band rocked out by the gazebo. The Painted Ladies had several different booths set up, some selling T-shirts, other’s selling various items that they or the ol’ ladies had made.
Apollo and Thorne arrived on the bike, riding in with Saber and Hawkeye. He didn’t have to ask Thorne twice, she was ready to ride, admitting that she enjoyed riding with Apollo. Another milestone they breeched together.
“Thorne!” Tigerlily waved as she called out to capture Thorne’s attention.
Apollo gave her hand a squeeze as she waved back to Tiger. “Go ahead. I’ll be over at the benches with the guys.”
Thorne kissed his cheek, then darted over to the table where Tiger was sitting selling club key chains and jewelry.
“Holy shit, dude.” Wraith scratched at his beard, the freakishly tawny eyes following Thorne as she hugged Tiger. “That’s a sight to see.”
Romeo nudged Apollo with his elbow. “I’m happy to see you two working your shit out. Seems cupid’s arrow hit its mark.”
Apollo nodded as he joined in, watching Thorne as she helped Tiger put out more wares to sell. He was in love with her. He wouldn’t deny it any more or to anyone else. He just prayed she wouldn’t kill his ass over the surprise he had in store for her.
“She know yet?” Saber quirked a brow as he tied off his do-rag to keep the hair out of his eyes.
“No, I will unveil it at the end. I’ll be sure to do it before you head out.”
“Seems cupid didn’t stop at you two.” Wraith kicked out his long ass legs, lifting his beer bottle, tilting the neck of the bottle toward Rebel and Dally as they sat on a nearby swing set, chatting away.
Romeo and Saber grunted in unison.
“I’ll fucking kill him.”
“He won’t hurt her.”
The guys burst out laughing as Romeo and Saber glared at one another, then joined in on the laughter.
Apollo shook his head, his finger lifted to indicate the chaplain walking toward the bikes. “Bike blessings are about to begin.”
Saber glanced at Apollo. “When was the last time the Sporty was blessed?”
“Mmm, about a year ago. Right before I prospected. Why?”
“Just want to make sure I am covered. Ride bell?”
Apollo rolled his eyes and clapped his brother on the shoulder. “Yes, there is a ride bell attached to the bike.”
A ride bell could not be bought by the bike owner, it had to be purchased as a gift from someone and given to the rider. It warded off evil road gremlins from harming you as you rode. Many bikers believed in the road gremlins and made sure their bikes always had one or two bells attached to the frame of the bike.
Lunch was a huge success, Trouble’s BBQ winning over the masses. They sold over six hundred plates to bikers alone, not including the other three hundred to businesses and passersby. There was no item left to be bid on during the silent auction, the largest item to be auctioned, an original SOMC belt buckle worn by Stone, ending at five hundred dollars.
Apollo watched Thorne as her face clearly showed a mixture of amazement and wonder at how the community had come together for those in need. She never left his side during the auction, her head bouncing back and forth like she was watching a tennis match as people motioned their bids to outbid others.
“Is it always like this?” Thorne whispered to him.
“Not always, but your family was a big part of the community. Plus, you save lives. People eat that shit up.” Apollo winked at her with a light tap to her nose with his index finger knuckle.
“Uhuh. Remind me not to give you mouth to mouth later.” She chuckled and leaned into him as Amy took the floor at the gazebo.
Calling for everyone’s attention, she waved the masses toward the area. “Thorne, please come up here.”
Apollo gave her a little nudge as she groaned. “Go on. Suffer with the masses and take your medicine.”
* * * *
Thorne was humbled by how the club had helped her in so many ways. In the past weeks, they had taught her how to live again, to trust and to love.
Alright, maybe not the club, but Dalton did. Every time she looked at him, her heart fluttered, her breath caught, and she got a tiny thrill in the pit of her stomach. Sure, the sex was beyond amazing. He was opening doors she never knew existed and she loved every bit of it. He was dominant, but he was gentle. It was exactly what she needed to keep her stubborn ass in line.
Today was just icing on the cake. So many people showing up to support not only her, but the club as a whole? Was breathtaking. That wasn’t something you saw every day. Her world felt like it was back to normal, the way it should have always been. Perhaps better than it should have been, now that she had someone to share it with her.
She had planned to ask Dalton to permanently move in with her that night. She felt like a part of her was missing while he was at work or she was driving the meat wagon. Sure, Saber was her partner and he made her laugh and kept her busy, but it wasn’t the same. Dalton filled a missing void that sh
e never realized she had until he was there.
Now, called up onto the makeshift stage, Thorne was trying her best not to turn fifteen shades of red. She was used to the spotlight, but that’s exactly what she was, in the spotlight. Not in front of hundreds of people, some who knew her and others who didn’t.
Amy hugged Thorne as best as she could with her swollen belly, her whole face lit up in excitement. Lifting her mic, she looked out to the audience. “Everyone, if you haven’t met her yet, this is Espina Thorne Lopez, our guest of honor today. We want to thank everyone for coming out to help support our fundraiser to help Thorne cover what her insurance might not. I am proud to be a part of this family unit that is our community.” Amy sniffled as she turned to look at Thorne. “With everyone’s help, we are proud to present to you a check that will be hitting the bank tomorrow, for eleven thousand dollars.”
Thorne’s heart stopped.
Yup, this was it.
Goodbye, cruel world.
Nope. Still here.
Her jaw hit the floor. Thorne stammered as her hand flew up to her chest, the flat of her palm covered the area where her heart would have been. The roar of the applause was deafening as she tried to grasp the amount that was raised for her. She had heard of things like this before, but never dreamed she’d ever be walking in those shoes.
“I—I don’t know what to say.” Thorne blinked her eyes rapidly, trying to hold back the tears that were flooding her vision. No such luck. A tear slipped past and slid down her cheek, which she quickly lifted her hand and wiped away. “Uh, thank you all, so much.”
Amy stuck the mic in her face, whispering to her. “They can’t hear you.”
Taking the mic, she looked out to the crowd and tried to smile, a streak of nervousness overriding the euphoric feeling. Clearing her throat, she found Dalton in the crowd, focusing on him as she spoke. “I can’t say thank you enough for all of this. I never would have ever expected anyone to reach out and help those they don’t know. You all have opened my eyes and I will be forever grateful to every one of you. Thank you.”
Sniffling, she handed the mic back to Amy and was about to step off the gazebo when Amy stopped her by taking hold of her forearm. “Not just yet.”
Her brows furrowed together, unsure of why Amy wanted her to stay up in the gazebo with her. “Why?”
Amy pointed out to the audience with a smile.
Thorne followed her arm, to see where she was pointing; Dalton was making his way up to the stage. “What the hell?”
Dalton grinned and stepped past the women, grabbed a covered easel, and pulled it to the front of the gazebo past the band. “You’ll see.”
“Why am I scared?” Thorne looked over the large sheet-covered stand that looked like it was holding a rather large canvas.
Dalton bounced his brows, the boyish grin formed as his Icelandic blues lit up with mischief. “You should be.”
What had he gone and done?
Taking the microphone from Amy, Dalton tapped the top of it then spoke. “Hey everyone. Glad you all could make it to the event. The SixGuns want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for coming out today and helping us help out our favorite paramedic. And now, it’s my turn.” Dalton turned to look at Thorne.
Yup, he had done something and he was buttering her up.
Dalton took her hand and gave it a small squeeze before he started talking again. “I don’t remember what my life was like before you came along, Thorne. I’m not even sure how we got here. What I do know, is that this is where we need to be. Together. You made me love you, and I never realized I had fallen until the day at the beach. The day where you finally opened up and let your light shine bright. I’m not the only one who has seen your light.” Dalton let go of her hand and reached out for the sheet. As he pulled it down, he grinned, looking back to her. “Sports Illustrated saw your light and has contracted you as their newest Swimsuit Model.”
Was it possible to have two heart attacks in a row?
Thorne was starting to think so.
She watched Dalton unveil the canvas, revealing a mock cover of the Swimsuit Edition with her bold and brazen on the front. “Oh shit.” Her words were breathless as she stared in total disbelief at the oversized cover, tears finally spilling over as she tried to gather the eddy of thoughts that was like a tornado tearing through her mind.
The second round of applause and cheers was just as loud as the first, if not more so. It was hard to breathe as she stared at the picture of her, then back to Dalton, who looked just as nervous as she was in shock.
There was no stopping from here. He had admitted his love for her in front of hundreds of people. There was no going back from that. Then, he went above and beyond, getting her picture to the right people at the magazine that she had worked her whole life to get on. And he had succeeded.
Her heart sang with delight as she felt a warm glow flow through her. Thorne felt alive and was blissfully happy as she threw her arms around Dalton’s neck. “Oh my God, Dalton!” She could barely see through the tears of joy that slipped down her cheeks. “I can’t believe you did this.”
Her mouth found his with savage intensity. She needed him to feel just how much she loved and appreciated him. Her tongue ravaged his as she pressed her body into the hard lines of his own. More cheers and cat calls filled the area, jarring her back to reality.
Thorne pulled back and gazed up into his eyes and saw the love written in them, setting her heart soaring. “I love you seems such a simple reply after your beautiful words.”
Dalton gave her a shit-eating grin, the flat of his hand smacking her ass in front of the crowd. “It’s enough for me. I know how you feel. I see it in your eyes and hear it in your voice.”
Dalton took her hand and pulled her off the gazebo stage, allowing the band to start back up. They were stopped every few feet by people praising her cover contract and congratulating her.
Thorne was breathless by the time they got back to the club, Saber glancing at his watch then back to her and Dalton. “I gotta roll, guys.”
Thorne gave him a big hug, squeezed him tightly, then kissed his scruffy cheek. “You knew didn’t you?”
Saber winked at her with a cheeky grin. “Maybe I did. Maybe I didn’t. But I need to get rolling or else I’ll miss the first pitch.”
Dalton shook his brother’s hand, then slid into a bro hug. “Be sure to tell Dally good luck for us. He already gone?”
Saber nodded as he scooped up his helmet. “Mom picked him and Rebel up. They’re going to dinner afterwards.”
“Be safe. We’ll see you tomorrow at the diner for breakfast.” Thorne leaned back into Dalton while Saber fired up the Sporty and kicked it into gear.
Watching him ride out of the park, Thorne crossed her arms over her chest. “I’ve got something that I need to do. Mind if we go home?”
“Sure, when we get there, I’ll fake a heart attack and get mouth to mouth?” Dalton looked hopeful at her as he grabbed their helmets and handed her hers.
“Nice try, but no. Let’s go and I’ll show you.”
The ride home was quiet, peaceful. Her thoughts wandered back to try and figure out when she knew she had fallen for Dalton, but she couldn’t put her finger on a specific moment or event. She knew it wasn’t today, or yesterday. Perhaps it was the day he took her in the gym. Perhaps it was when he guarded her door in the hospital. All that mattered was that she knew what was between the two of them was real. Nothing fake lived in their lives, and she prayed it stayed that way.
Once they arrived at the house, Thorne raced Dalton to the front door. She barely allowed him to go through the foyer before she was dragging him to the bedroom.
Walking backwards with his hands in hers, Thorne wiggled her brows. “I feel my heart beating fast. I think I need mouth to mouth…”
Dalton laughed as he let go of her hands, lurching forward to scoop her up in his arms. “I think I may have to do a full
body examination to make sure you’re alright.”
Thorne squealed as he lifted her up, her legs wrapped around his waist. “It’s beating faster. I think I’m going to need some Penis-cillin.”
She managed to keep a straight face as Dalton did a double take at her words, then burst out laughing as he tossed her to the bed. “You are incorrigible!”
Thorne bounced onto the bed, her laughter filling the room as she crab crawled back toward the head of the bed and lay back on her pillows. “You’re right. I don’t always take Penis-cillin, but when I do, I like a side of nuts with it. Stay kinky, my friends.”
“Wha—what?” Dalton stuttered and then lost it. He shook his head, unable to contain the laughter that erupted. “You have lost your fucking mind.”
“Then come help me find it again.”
She felt so free and in love, which was infectious and causing her good mood. She had never felt this way before, and prayed that it stayed with her. She had no doubt that Dalton was in love with her and she planned on showing him just how much in love with him she was.
* * * *
“Feeling better?”
Thorne could barely keep her eyes open as she nestled closer in his embrace. As she rubbed her cheek against his chest, she sighed in contentment. “Mhmn.” Yeah, there was no talking right now. It would take way too much energy to open her mouth and use her vocal chords.
Dalton lifted the shoulder that her head rested on and quickly dropped it. “You’ve got something you need to do, babe.”
Thorne groaned, burrowing deeper into the blankets. “No,” she said rather curtly while pouting.
“Yes.” Dalton pulled his arm out from under her, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. Reaching for the edge of the nightstand, he picked something up and rolled back onto the bed while he pulled the covers over his waist. “Thorne?” His voice held that commanding edge to it that demanded her attention.
With a huff, she lifted up on her elbows as she blew a strand of her hair out of her eyes. “Yes?” She cast her gaze in his direction as he held out an envelope to her. “Oh.”